The beauty industry in the age of tech development and AI

3 min readOct 22, 2021

Our world is changing extremely quickly these days. Standard solutions are no longer enough. People are looking for innovations in all aspects of life and the beauty industry is not an exception. Is technology driving customer demands, or are customers driving the need for more advanced technology? Or maybe social media filters are creating unrealistic expectations for beauty products? One thing for sure: technology enables brands to create products that are more inclusive, innovative and sustainable. Today, we would like to present you with some extraordinary beauty solutions introduced by brands such as YSL, La Manufacture, and Garnier.

YSL Rouge Sur Mesure by Perso

Do you know that feeling when you want to buy yourself a lipstick, but you have no idea which color to choose? A bold or a more versatile one? Which one will work better? Which one will be more useful? It seems that you won’t have to think about it soon!

Yves Saint Laurent has addressed these issues and launched a very original product — YSL Rouge Sur Mesure Powered by Perso. This device allows you to get the lipstick color you need at the moment. How is that even possible? Cartridge sets of the iconic YSL’s Velvet Cream Matte Finish lipstick in colour ranges of red, nude, orange or fuchsia are inserted to the device. You use the app to choose the colour you want, artificial intelligence blends it for you and… there you go! A perfectly portioned dose of your favourite lipstick is ready to be applied.

So far, this marvel of technology has been available for limited pre-order only in the US market, but according to YSL, it was to be released worldwide in September 2021. Who knows, it may not be long before the cosmetic lives of many will undergo a remarkable innovation.

La Manufacture: Your Personal Foundation Kit

Choosing the perfect foundation is another nightmare for makeup users. This one’s too light, that one’s too dark… But then there it is — a perfect match! Once you finally find it and then go on vacation, it turns out that it would be best to have two different shades — one for summer and one for the other seasons. How to choose the perfect foundation? Is it even possible? Apparently so! La Manufacture offers a product that gives you the ability to create the perfect foundation for any skin tone. In this case, you also need an app. Then, you scan the QR code from the packaging of our product, you place the SKINCAM on your smartphone’s camera and then you follow the instructions, which is to take four photos of your skin. The app will analyse the downloaded photos and propose your personal foundation recipe. Five pigments (BASE SHADES) from the kit will enable you to create a perfect cosmetic, because according to the company, SKINCAM can create over 50,000 different shades of foundation!

Garnier Hair Color Services

What if someone told you that you would never leave your hairdresser disappointed again? That you would never regret your choice to dye your hair the wrong color, because you could see beforehand if you looked good in it? Sounds impossible, right? Garnier has decided to make life easier for millions of people and has developed Hair Color Service which uses Virtual Try-on to match the perfect dye color available in the company’s range. This is possible thanks to your phone or webcam, Modiface technology and advanced face and hair detection algorithms, which allow you to virtually apply hair color and see if you have found what you are looking for. This way, you can easily and safely dye your hair even before you actually do it and avoid unpleasant disappointment!

What else can we expect?

The modern world enables an incorporation of new technologies and artificial intelligence into everyday objects. It makes them more attractive and inclusive but what’s most important — it facilitates people’s lives. These inventions are certainly interesting and we can be almost sure that the future will bring many more of them. Will this be our blessing or curse? Maybe, paradoxically, instead of making our lives easier, they will make it more difficult? We can only wait and see for ourselves. Are you excited?




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